Calculating Percentage Gain or Loss on Investment

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Last updated on August 1st, 2023 at 04:00 am

Investors worldwide understand the importance of assessing the profitability of their investments. Determining the percentage gain or loss on an investment is a fundamental task that provides valuable insights into the performance of an asset.

This comprehensive guide will explore calculating the percentage gain or loss, considering various factors that can impact the final result. By the end, you’ll clearly understand how to effectively evaluate your investment’s performance.

Understanding the Calculation

Calculating the percentage gain or loss on an investment involves a straightforward formula.

It begins with subtracting the purchase price from the selling price, then dividing the result by the original purchase price.

To express the change as a percentage, multiply the quotient by 100. This calculation provides a quick snapshot of the investment’s overall performance.

Let’s break down the formula:

Percentage Gain or Loss = [(Selling Price – Purchase Price) / Purchase Price] * 100

If the resulting value is positive, it indicates a gain, while a negative value represents a loss.

This simple calculation is the first step toward evaluating the profitability of your investment.

Consideration of Transaction Costs, Dividends, and Fees

While the basic formula mentioned earlier is essential, it’s important to consider additional factors that can affect the percentage gain or loss.

Transaction costs, dividends, and fees are crucial in accurately reflecting the overall investment performance.

Transaction Costs

Transaction costs, such as brokerage fees or commissions, must be factored into the calculation.

These costs reduce the overall gain or increase the loss.

Investors must be aware of these expenses to represent their investment returns accurately.


Dividends are an essential aspect of many investments, particularly stocks.

Calculating the percentage gain or loss, including dividends, provides a more comprehensive understanding of the investment’s performance.

Dividends are distributions of a company’s earnings to its shareholders, and they can significantly impact the overall return on investment.

Incorporating Fees and Adjustments

By incorporating transaction costs and dividends, investors can refine their assessment of the investment’s actual percentage gain or loss.

While fees decrease growth, bonuses have the opposite effect by increasing it.

This comprehensive calculation approach allows for a more accurate evaluation of investment performance.

Importance of Percentage Gain or Loss

Understanding the percentage gain or loss goes beyond mere numerical calculations. It empowers investors to:

  1. Evaluate Profitability: By assessing the percentage gain or loss, investors can determine the profitability of their investment. This information is crucial for making informed decisions about holding or selling an asset.
  2.  Compare Different Outcomes: Calculating the percentage gain or loss enables investors to compare the performance of various investments. It provides a standardized metric to evaluate and rank different assets within a portfolio.
  3.  Assess Price Movements: Monitoring the percentage gain or loss helps investors track the price movements of their investments. Investors can make informed decisions about their portfolios by identifying patterns and trends.
  4.  Evaluate Risk: The percentage gain or loss also assists in evaluating the risk associated with an investment. Understanding the potential upsides and downsides enables investors to gauge the risk-reward ratio effectively.

Considerations Beyond Calculation

While calculating the percentage gain or loss is crucial, it’s also essential to consider additional factors that can impact investment performance.

Stock market thresholds, economic indicators, company-specific news, and geopolitical events can influence the value of an investment.

Staying informed about these factors is crucial in making sound investment decisions.


Why is calculating the percentage gain or loss important for investors?

Calculating the percentage gain or loss allows investors to evaluate the profitability of their investments. It helps them make informed decisions about holding or selling an asset based on its performance.

Can you explain the formula for calculating the percentage gain or loss?

Certainly! The formula is [(Selling Price – Purchase Price) / Purchase Price] * 100. By subtracting the purchase price from the selling price, dividing by the purchase price, and multiplying by 100, you can obtain the percentage change.

Are transaction costs taken into account when calculating the percentage gain or loss?

Yes, transaction costs such as brokerage fees or commissions shall factor into the calculation. These costs reduce the overall gain or increase the loss, providing a more accurate representation of the investment’s performance.

What role do dividends play in calculating the percentage gain or loss?

Dividends, especially in the case of stocks, impact the overall return on investment. Including dividends in the calculation provides a more comprehensive understanding of the investment’s performance.

How do fees and adjustments affect the percentage gain or loss?

Fees, such as transaction costs, decrease the percentage gain, while dividends increase it. By incorporating these factors, investors can obtain a more accurate evaluation of their investment returns.

What are the benefits of knowing the percentage gain or loss?

Knowing the percentage gain or loss allows investors to evaluate profitability, compare different investments, assess price movements, and evaluate risk. It provides a standardized metric for assessing investment performance.

Should I only focus on the percentage gain or loss when evaluating my investments?

While the percentage gain or loss is crucial, it’s also important to consider other factors that can impact investment performance, such as stock market thresholds, economic indicators, company-specific news, and geopolitical events.

How can I use the percentage gain or loss to make informed investment decisions?

By monitoring the percentage gain or loss, you can track the performance of your investments, identify patterns and trends, and make informed decisions about holding or selling assets based on their performance.


In conclusion, calculating the percentage gain or loss on an investment is a fundamental practice for investors. By subtracting the purchase price from the selling price, dividing the result by the original purchase price, and multiplying by 100, investors can quickly evaluate their investment’s performance.

However, it is crucial to consider transaction costs, dividends, and fees to obtain a more accurate representation. Understanding the percentage gain or loss enables investors to assess profitability, compare different outcomes, evaluate price movements, and determine risk.

Remember to consider external factors that can impact investment performance. With this knowledge, you can confidently assess your investments and make informed decisions for a successful financial future.

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Author : Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at FinancialAdvisor webportal is a team of experts. We have been creating blogs about finance & investment.

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